Furniture for the elderly a金學nd children's furniture 煙弟should pay more attention 數吃to the function itself
The categories of household product離錢s are extremely complex because 草鐵they have to meet different ne行現eds. Children's furniture and 知區elderly furniture are two types 員站of products that deserve attention. In長但 these two special p少少roduct areas, how should businesses 嗎時build their brand appeal?
Children's room: Too much staying in 舊時"cute" and too little care for chang這你ing needs
"Children's roo員資m" has always been a topic of唱行 social concern. Now you can 通農see that Shenzhen's home地到 shopping malls are basically equipped子在 with various levels o務分f children's furniture, in f通林act, there is no lack o兵制f high-end and high-p跳校riced children's fur離慢niture. It seems that we have paid en黃爸ough attention to children’s furniture,她愛 but in the past two農影 years, children’s room space and 麗又home