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Five details to pay a在快ttention to when choosing c花黃hildren's furniture
Furniture for the elderly and children'煙明s furniture should pay more attent時很ion to the function itself
The key to upgrading the furnitu都廠re industry: environmentally friendly在間 materials, water-based coati為風ng
Ignore the national standard, chil街去dren's furniture safety is新友sues frequently turn red
Concerned about the safe妹花ty of children's furniture, exp靜相erts call for systema南時tization of standards
Full penetration of cu道近stom-made enterprises W好你here is the way out fo開服r traditional children's furniture去員 enterprises?
- Categories:Company news
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- Time of issue:2021-06-23 15:54
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(Summary description)The full penetration 有區of custom-made enterpr雜長ises has not been spared as the得嗎 traditional children's furnitur海到e in the subdivision field. On the 熱低one hand, the annual sales of several 資爸listed giants in the frequent flyer cat自問egory furniture exceeded 100 mill懂煙ion, and the annual sales of childre白著n's room furniture exceeded 1 但亮billion. On the other hand, the t件校raditional children's suite compan紙個ies are losing ground.
Full penetration of custom-made enterpr報草ises Where is the way黃自 out for traditional childr員花en's furniture enterprises?
(Summary description)The full penetration of custom-南秒made enterprises has not bee公男n spared as the traditional chil拿理dren's furniture in the s女做ubdivision field. On the one hand, 男我the annual sales of 就慢several listed giants in the frequent f光裡lyer category furniture exc男國eeded 100 million, and th銀離e annual sales of children's 能影room furniture exceeded黑老 1 billion. On the other hand, 離農the traditional childre愛內n's suite companies are losing grou件藍nd.
- Categories:Company news
- Author:
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- Time of issue:2021-06-23 15:54
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The full penetration of custom關相-made enterprises has not been spar線愛ed as the traditional children's fu一街rniture in the subdivision field. On t議資he one hand, the annual sales影紅 of several listed giants in些錯 the frequent flyer category furnit都舊ure exceeded 100 mill行又ion, and the annual sales of children's車和 room furniture exceeded他吃 1 billion. On the other hand, the trad紙那itional children's suite co空兵mpanies are losing ground.
The children's furniture market is 師年swallowed up
Cut in with the whole house customiz飛店ation, occupy the entrance of 裡暗the consumer side. With the cont風麗inuous improvement of market competitio技匠n, whole-house customi有木zation has gradually been accep有工ted by the market and con文門sumers, and has become the standard 湖吃for home decoration i慢在n first- and second-tier citie還子s. Although children's room路數s are subsidiary products in公舞 the whole-house customiza亮森tion section, they can be equipped wit有請h whole-house overall solutions. T城討he express train of the sch時外eme realizes bundling 生聽sales and smoothly co雨相mpletes the front-end interception. On中雨 the other hand, traditional children'拍志s furniture companies start with a sin議紙gle category, and children's f近醫urniture is at a back-end 花水disadvantage in the entir聽媽e home improvement procurem說厭ent chain (hardware-k雜工itchen and bathroom-suite furnit話學ure-children's furniture-soft decora森少tion). Really demanded passenger t體女raffic has obviously u拿和ndergone several inter身友ceptions. Even with real de中北mand, customers' home impro相體vement budget balances 知金are often stretched.
Function-oriented, respond to consu遠喝mption upgrades. With the advent 公知of the era of consumption upgrades, 場司the situation where the t好弟raditional way of comp黑匠eting with product appearances to do視家minate the world is gone現了 forever. Consumers ar但錢e becoming more and 鐵信more rational. In addition to attr的南active appearance, consumers 姐門will open cabinets, open drawers, and路體 even buy furniture with a tape measure科家. The rise of custom-技哥made companies is to seize this wave月時 of market opportunities, wit村我h functional pragmatism as the gui森車de, and putting a lot of effo都錢rt into storage and hardwar黑謝e configuration experience街南, it can be said to be at the point.
The mode of thinking 站多raises the ceiling, with the goal of雨視 increasing the customer 謝師unit price. Customized companies par黑做ticipate in the trilog嗎高y of market competition: 飛章enter the market with cabinet 生吃systems, first focus on cabinets in the呢媽 whole house-gradually use cabinets to 風遠drive the integration of impor飛友tant activity furniture categorie草笑s in each space, and ach離花ieve the maximum unit price of space cu為微stomers-with data Base件照d on chemical operation, we老線 will focus on a certain spac湖道e or a few spaces where market 朋生demand is surging, and f音影urther cultivate the market by optimiz有老ing the overall solution.動跳 It is through these thre海師e steps that custom-made 音購enterprises have completed the devel村草opment and protection跳輛 of customer unit prices.
The last three opportuniti話低es for traditional children's fu得數rniture companies
In comparison, the u校車nit price of traditional ch和票ildren’s suite companies is graduall在玩y shrinking. You will find th音化at the wardrobe is not selli筆弟ng well, the dressing table is not sel火員ling well, and the compositio頻技n of the unit price is almost broken船腦. If reforms are not ca費頻rried out, you will not be far in 人照the future. You will find tha話廠t these children's brands w鄉長ill gradually become the integration做們 targets of customized companies 車河and will be marginalized by the m男廠arket.
Although customized co對妹mpanies have shown good market resp謝林onse at this stage, they are到分 far from reaching the ce微年iling of demand response窗坐 and market deepening.件鄉 As the competition 去還intensifies, the inf光分inite extension of the火離 concept of customized enterprises 拿車will bring new problem票妹s, and no one can "eat the whol匠來e world with one trick",看的 but this is not the topic we focus on鐵這 in this article. We also hope 從服to regard the emergence of歌樂 customized companies as the catf對章ish effect of the market, op內慢ening up new ideas. In contrast, tra用章ditional children's furniture comp技男anies still have three important market就森 opportunities:
① Traditional childre房吃n's furniture has been accumulat玩如ed for many years in the expression of志水 product tonality, and醫黃 the understanding of style i讀坐s deeply rooted. This is one of the但吧 core demands of consu匠低mers and one of the core competiti筆爸veness of customized enterprises.
②The children's furniture cam慢腦p is the result of market segmentation上船. The competition in this segment街會ation market is relatively loose, l報日eaving a certain perio睡土d of time and opportunity for the tran鐘影sformation of this industry如銀. There is no definite number of西化 who will eventually get it.
③The implementation of the nat吧美ional two-child policy will increa爸錢se the market demand for children's f唱得urniture, and this dividend will b電區e gradually released i城信n the future.
The market changes 個著brought about by cus事還tomized companies have become an 兒很indisputable fact. If you do not bec了來ome sober and do not make chang劇錯es and explorations in the關子 already fierce competition, you wil車音l be in danger of being further squeez畫事ed or even eliminated 年為in the future. The situation is 人民already very serious, and traditional 信些children's furniture companies need to在動 return to the original技麗 point and return to zero in time. R睡黃e-examining the comp業讀etitive environment of th事文e market, taking the strategy first,亮姐 and only by looking 業物at the current market struc音站ture as a whole, can we take the 大道path of real change.
Looking at the way o去下ut of finished products enterprises fr日人om traditional children's furnitu路長re
Traditional children農筆’s furniture is like this, so wh區大at about finished furniture com民弟panies? A common probl坐風em of traditional finished products 懂都companies is that th草亮ey continue to introduce new product se公內ries to cater to the ever-changing 家樹consumer market, and the 通哥product life cycle is ge器短tting shorter and shorter. More a話河nd more frequently, after al麗看l, it is exhausted and 可吃powerless. For customize民些d companies, althoug工男h they lack the ability t裡時o develop sets of fur師女niture, they have a de藍跳ep understanding of the concept o司個f standardization, and have a be事也tter understanding and書在 pious attitude to t請討he concept of "parts 熱跳are products".
At present, traditional suite furnit書開ure has been broken up. Of course,微鐵 this does not mean that the furni到都ture no longer needs話請 to be matched, but tha長上t it will be assembled in anoth友朋er way, that is, reorganization. Re問短organization refers to switchi文歌ng from the original p學友ractice of developin事些g a series of many prod煙站ucts to ** building a standardized p拿友arts platform, and then addin店資g non-standard components t離得o combine them into any product you是票 want. Once the platform is built些作, it can be fissioned in a mushr東笑oom model to achieve unlimited a近制ssembly and output with a l樹遠imited number of parts to meet the d就雨iverse and even individ黑媽ual needs of customers.
It can be said that for many tradit綠視ional finished suite furni理土ture companies, if th我區ey do not become sober and 家場do not change in the already fierc答是e competitive environment, t報又hey will be further squeeze拿愛d or even eliminated. This is o民中nly an analysis from the pers雪子pective of product development i西窗deas. In addition, the 讀是degree of informatizat門到ion, channel innovation, b地票ig data construction, and c購唱ross-border integration我時 thinking are all threatenin了新g traditional enterprises.